Our mission is to serve every Frag head in India, who at one point in time saw a perfume in a store, liked it, but couldn’t afford it due to the excessive store charge added onto the product. At Fragdiction we are dedicated to providing our customers with the best online Perfume collection along with best customer satisfaction. Here you will find 100% authentic products at competitive pricing, Free Express Shipping, and a vast range of International fragrances.
Fragdiction.com has been trusted online since 2018. We have shipped over half a million packages and have sold over half a million perfume product. We carry best genuine, brand name fragrances, all at discount prices. We offer Free Shipping throughout india on all prepaid orders , fragdiction.com has received an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.
Product Guarantee
All of the products showcased throughout fragdiction.com are 100% original brand names. We only carry genuine brand name perfumes, colognes and beauty products. Absolutely NO imitations or knock-offs.
Our Commitment
We work hard to ensure that Your shopping experience is completely satisfying and enjoyable. Along with great selection and prices, our number one concern is offering superior customer service and our staff is here to serve you. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at team@fragdiction.com
Fragdiction is an independent retailer carrying genuine brand name fragrances, . Please note that we are not the manufacturer of any of the products we carry.
Legal Disclaimer
We are not responsible for any typographical errors or inaccuracies set forth in this website. The information, prices, and discounts set forth herein are subject to change without notice.
If the UPC codes or any other tracking codes are missing, altered or defaced from any product box or bottle, it was not done by the manufacturer and occurred in the supply chain after it left the manufacturer.
Please also note that product pictures may vary.